Todays fast paced world is overflowing with information leading to information overload. This is placing stress on everyones nervous systems whereby some simply cannot keep up. Obtaining information is no longer the problem and it is how we are choosing to experience (or not) the information that is becoming the real question. People want to feel better and may seek this from temporary fixes to escape such as over eating & drinking, shopping, substance abuse, behavioural addictions etc. Instead of looking outside of ourselves for the answer we need to look what lies within and Yoga can help provide a more stable, reliable solution that allows you to find a longer lasting answer.
Known as the mother of all yoga's, Kundalini yoga is a Raj Yoga and combines the practice of hatha yoga, mantra yoga, laya yoga, shakti yoga & raja yoga. It is a yoga of awareness that aims to awaken the dormant energy within us, unlock our potential and free us from our limitations so we can live an authentic life.
It is evidenced by research, based on applied yogic science and technology. This technology being that applied to the mind, body and soul (the trinity). Yoga, together with the breathwork and meditation balances this trinity to help you experience a more fulfilling life where you can feel better and experience more clarity in your life choices. It is therefore a complete science and each class will typically consist of Kriyas including physical yoga set (asanas), breathwork (pranayama), hand position (mudra), mantra & meditation. All are integrated in a specific sequence for a specific length of time for a specific outcome.
The physical body is a temple. Take Care of it. The mind is energy. Regulate it. The soul is the projection. Represent it. All knowledge is false if the soul is not experienced in the body. Yogi Bhajan
Applying the technology to your life
As we live in polarity planet, there is a positive and negative side to everything and kundalini yoga is a system that tries to ensure you are on positive side of any experience. It aims to up level your own personal electromagnetic frequency. I am here to share the knowledge of the technology but it is through your own personal experience and practice where you will gain wisdom to enable practical application to your life on and off the mat. It is a householder’s yoga practice meaning, it is a yoga which allows you to live in this world, go about your daily activities but also experience the joy of conscious living. You don't need to wait to start your experience, CHANGE NOTHING in your life but SIMPLY ADD as little as 3 minutes of Kundalini Yoga a day and notice how your life changes as you begin to operate from a clearer, more intelligent and radiant mind, body and soul. All levels of ability are welcome, as the practice is a personal experience where you work to your own capability.
Join me in one of my classes or get in touch if you are interested in one to one sessions or hosting a private group session.
Yogic Numerology Tantric Numerology is a yogic system that provides deeper insight into yourself at a soul, karmic, life purpose level. It can help you identify possible imbalances in your 10 bodies and the most effective yoga techniques to overcome these (including exercises and meditations). Get in touch if you feel drawn to a more personalised tailored yoga experience.
Achieves balance and harmony between mind body and soul. Strengthening of the nervous system and glandular system improving physical wellbeing. Improves the immune system. Increases your pranic/chi capacity and vitality Increases energy velocity of neurons Calms the mind and improves intuition Helps combat habitual, behavioural patterns and addictions Clears subconscious and karmic patterns Cleanses your aura and electromagnetic field to increase your vibration Balances your Chakras & improves the quality of your life Removes insecurity and a negative mind Opens the heart to compassion and removes ego
The Ten Bodies In Kundalini Yoga, the human being is seen as made up of ten bodies whereby there is the physical body, 3 mental bodies, and 6 energy bodies. Each body has specific attributes that can manifest well if strong and optimal but also display deficiencies where weak and therefore it is important to balance the Ten Bodies. Kundalini Yoga enables the Ten Bodies to be balanced through the system of Kriyas (complete action). Kriyas are a sequence of postures, breath, and sound (mantra and meditation) that are integrated together to allow the manifestation of a particular state. The Ten Bodies are:
1st Soul Body 2nd Negative Mind 3rd Positive Mind 4th Neutral Mind 5th Physical Body 6th Arcline 7th Aura 8th Pranic Body 9th Subtle Body 10th Radiant Body
Yoga Postures (Asanas) Asana is a posture and could be an exercise or meditation which ultimately open up the flow of energy through the chakra system and meridian points (the energetic pathways of the body) to help release blocks. As an exercise, the aim is to isolate a specific point in the physical body and muscles which trigger a reaction that positively enhances the functions of the gland and organs. As a meditation posture, the aim is to create a link between the body and mind.
Breathwork (Pranayama) All of us have a positive force being Prana (life force energy) and a negative force being Apana (elimination, or the eliminating force). Kundalini Yoga systematically joins these two energies together in such a way to enable the kundalini energy to rise up into the higher chakras and by doing so awaken the soul and the power within you. Kundalini is known as the nerve of the soul. Through this breathwork, you begin to bring in more pranic energy and circulate this throughout providing greater clarity, energy and purpose. Meditation and Mantra Meditation is the mechanism to control and transcend waves of the mind to create a communication between your soul, mind and body. Meditations can be with or without mantra.
Mantra is the use of sound to affect consciousness; man means mind and tra means wave (projection) The science of mantra is based on the principle that sound itself is a form of energy and the specific structure/syllables of sacred mantras create a vibratory sound which can alter the patterns of the mind and give you a higher frequency experience. Chanting mantra also stimulates the the 84 meridian points (pressure points) in the roof of the mouth which correspond to a specific gland/organ. As the tongue hits the roof of the mouth with a specific rhythm of the mantra, it activates a chemical reaction in the body and brain. Therefore, sacred mantras are used to direct the mind to a more positive place and attract a more positive experience in your life.
Yogic science says that there are specific lengths of time needed for certain desired effects during meditation. Most meditations are done for 11 or 31 minutes but here are the principles we understand.
3 minutes of meditation affects the electromagnetic field, the circulation and stability of the blood. 11 minutes of meditation begins to change the nerves and the glandular system. 22 minutes of meditation balances the three minds, and they begin to work together. 31 minutes of meditation allows the glands, breath, and concentration to affect all the cells and rhythms of the body. It lets the psyche of the meditation affect the 3 gunas, all 31 tattvas,* and all layers of the mind’s projections. 62 minutes changes the gray matter in the brain. The subconscious “shadow mind” and the outer projection are integrated. 2-1/2 hours changes the psyche in its co-relation with the surrounding magnetic field so that the subconsious mind is held firmly in the new pattern by the surrounding universal mind.
Hand Position (Mudra) Mudra is a position of the hand that locks, seals and guides the energy flow and reflexes to the brain. The hands are an energy map of our consciousness and health and each part of the hand corresponds to an area of the body and brain, representing different emotions and behaviours. Therefore, we can affect the mind and body energy system through specific hand positions.
You can read more about Kundalini Yoga (origins, research, the yoga etc) at the following trusted websites:
Disclaimer Not all Kundalini Yoga exercises are suitable for everyone and you should consult with your doctor before undertaking Kundalini Yoga. To reduce the risk of injury, never force or strain.Always listen to your body and its capabilities,if you feel pain, discomfort or dizziness, do not continue.