Are you ready for spring? I know I am. Its a great time to clear, cleanse, declutter and recharge your personal energy and also the energy within your physical environment. Let the flow of positive energy bring in new opportunities and uplevel your own wellbeing.
Less is more, declutter and make space for the new.
To clear the energetic and physical pathways within your life and home, one of the first steps is to get rid of anything that no longer serves a purpose in your life or makes you feel good. You may need to be bold and brave to do this with some items but over attachment to ‘things’ is a mindset which you can change. Wherever possible, do offer any items to local charities who welcome most donations. This cleansing process sets an energetic intention that you are making space for positivity and an abundance of prosperity to come into all areas of your life.
It’s then time to open the windows and doors of our homes and let in fresh new energy. Also brighten your home with fresh flowers that uplift the energetic vibration. Top Feng Shui benefits of having fresh Flowers in your home are 1. uplifts mood 2. boosts positive chi flow 3. promotes relaxation 4. Improves home decor 5. aids creativity Always discard flowers once they no longer look vibrant.
Feeling content with life and aligned to your most positive vibrational energy does not have to be a magic formula. Simple steps incorporated into our daily life can bring about a feeling of joy and contentment. Daily gratitude for what we have immediately let’s the universe know you are a glass half full person and when done for the heart, you really do feel the joy for all that makes up your life. From the food on our table, the roof over our head, our loved ones, a compliment, a kind gesture that happened today...... anything. From this point you begin to genuinely feel content with your life in the here and now. The feeling of lack begins to dissolve as does the desperate feeling of chasing what you think you want, instead surrendering to allow all good things to flow to you. Being graceful allows you to have a sense of elegance when handling anything that comes your way. Life comes with the ups and downs but how you approach the downs will determine how you perceive things and navigate through those times. Living life with gratitude and grace can uplift your soul to a state of joy and be the foundational elements that really give you that glowing presence that can spread to others through the positive interactions you have.
Being grounded is to feel connected to the here and now. You feel strong, centred and in control. When you are not grounded you may feel light headed, emotional and almost out of your own body. You can also absorb other peoples negativity or emotions and be easily impacted by the environment around you. The root chakra is connected to feeling grounded as it is the closest chakra to physical earth. When unbalanced, it means we may feel threatened by others, in survival mode, fearful, anxious, anger and not in control. There are many techniques that can help you get grounded.
Crystals are great for grounding. The vibrational frequency of crystals such as smokey quartz grounds and protects the user from negative feelings and emotions.
Spending time in nature and undertaking physical activity is also an effectiveway to get grounded fast. Go for a walk, take up a sport, do some gardening, get moving and dance.
Affirmations can help you bring your focus to now. Try this, breathe and repeat, I am centered, I am grounded, I am safe, I am secure, I am protected, I am grateful.
Meditation - Here is a 5 min visualisation to feel grounded.
1) Begin by closing your eyes and taking 3 deep breaths, placing yourself in protective white light emanating from your heart centre. 2) Visualise all negativity flowing away and behind you. 3) Begin to see an energetic connection from the bottom of your feet down to the earth’s core and really feel this connection between the base chakra at the base of your spine connecting to the earth. 4) Continue to breath deeply. 5) To close, once again place yourself in protective white light and open your eyes whenever you feel ready.
Citrine crystals look great for styling the home and have amazing healing properties that can boost self confidence and attract abundance. Here is a 5 minute energiser meditation that is super easy and effective. 1) Hold a citrine crystal in your hand 2) Close your eyes and begin to breath deeply 3) Set an intention for your crystal based on what you would like it to help you with 4) Continue to breathe and meditate focusing on the intention and FEELING as if it has already happened. Continue for as long as you feel needed. Feel the positive energy. 5) You may also like to place your crystal on the solar plexus and visualise a cleansed, balanced chakra. 6) To close, breathe in deeply, bringing in the positive energy down to your root chakra, feel the positivity being locked in at a physical level. 7) Give thanks and when you are ready, open your eyes.
Using sage smudge sticks to clear any stale and negative energy that may have built up in the space is very effective.
Science is starting to get on board with this and studies are showing that burning sage releases negative ions (the good vibes) which neutralises the positive ions (the bad vibes) which is thought to be a cause of fatigue, stress, anxiety. This metaphysical study of energy is becoming more intelligent about the non-physical and physical world we live in and as our homes become even more populated with technology, wireless products, robotic and smart tools, we need to find ways of effectively neutralising the build up of these positive ions in our lives.
Top Tip - have the windows and doors open to allow the negative energy to go out. This will give you a blank canvas to reset your environment for positivity, balance and harmony. Safety First - 1) use a suitable container for saging such as metal, glass, ceramic, abalone shells 2) Don’t create a flame, its the light smoke you want
As we approach the closing of year, we have an upcoming solar eclipse and winter solstice which will bring about potent changes, revelations & surprises.
With such powerful cosmic energies, it's super important to use this moment to go within, not to get caught up in the drama or negativity playing out globally or personally. Use your time wisely to be efficient, productive, self caring, setting intentions for the new year & showing compassion to others. Set yourself up now for your future self be it through meditation, yoga, affirmations, consuming light food and drink, self care rituals or whatever resonates with you to harness the amplification energies of the time.
One way is to focus on gratitude. Consciously expressing your gratitude not only opens your heart but the universal law means you will have more to be grateful for. The more you give the more you receive, its simple plus it expands your auric field. Consider what you are grateful for and write it in a journal, meditate upon it, be mindful of those things/people that you appreciate. Show your gratitude to loved ones even if its through a simple gesture of a compliment or a silent blessing. Share the feelings of gratitude with family and loved ones and spread the light.
I wish you all have a peaceful end to the year the time ahead allows you to operate at a higher vibrational frequency so you can achieve your highest potential.
I'm a great believer that the thoughts we have reflect into words and actions and therefore into our reality but trying to change our thoughts is not an easy switch to turn off, particularly if negative thought patterns have been embedded within you for years.
However, you can fake it till you make it, meaning that if you begin to change the words you use to be more positive, you will start to believe it is true and your thought patterns begin to change too as does your reality. Words have magnetic power as they hold a resonance that projects into your reality.
Just take a moment to check how you use words in your daily life and relationships. Are they negative, low vibrational or critical of others or yourself? How do you feel and do you notice the words reflect how you see and feel about your life. Simply start introducing a few positive words into your daily life and see how it can make a difference.
The key is consistency and by replacing negative mantras with positive mantras daily you will begin to dissolve the thought patterns that no longer work for you and in turn change your reality.
Here are some great positive words you can increase the use of to instantly provide a high vibrational frequency to your conversation.
1. Yes 2. Agree 3. Best 4. Grateful 5. Kind 6. Joy 7. Love 8. Perfect 9. Positive 10.Abundant
You can also select a specific affirmation or personal mantra to use daily and whenever anything negative happens, repeat your personal mantra to change the energy around the situation /conversation.
We hear a lot of about about raising your vibration but what are the benefits? Well, living in higher vibrational energy means that it can give you experiences of positive changes and you can feel better about your life. To ultimately improve your quality of life and holistic wellbeing to a higher vibration.
So very few of us are actually 'living' and to some degree we are all missing the opportunity to experience the quality of life which gives us true wellbeing, contentment and joy. We are all flowing through 'life' striving to find balance and happiness and many just 'getting on with it', reacting to what life brings in front of them. Others may be desperately taking actions to achieve future goals, setting conditions for their future self such as, "I will be happy if I have...." because that is what we believe it will take. The problem with this is it is coming from a 'lack' perspective which often projects a feeling of lack in our real life. What you belief on the inside is what you attract on the outside. We are all living a mirror of our inner self - thats the law of attraction and if you dig deep and truly think about this, you will find it to be true. If you want to change the outside, you must be committed to working on the inside at deep levels to shift the old beliefs, lack thinking, negativity, ego based reactions and negative karma.
To transform and truly manifest, we need to consider the physical and non-physical aspects in play. Yes, be driven to take actions but actions should be intuitively guided and trusted from a place that is a 'blank canvas' (i.e. cleared of negative energy). Thinking and feeling your desires, together with guided action is a powerful recipe for manifesting the things we want into our lives. The caveat here is that you will receive what is for your highest good and in divine timing. Once you begin to to truly trust this process, thats when the magic begins to flow.
Techniques such as kundalini yoga, breathwork, meditation, crystal activation and reiki aim to clear the energy blockages at an emotional, physical, spiritual, mental and environmental level so that your life flows more effortlessly in the most right and positive direction for you. Such tools can help raise your vibrational frequency and unblock the energetic pathways (inc. chakras) to allow more creativity, self expression and trusted intuition to flow through. We can all benefit from this as positive vibrational energy spreads and helps us have more positive interactions, increasing the wellbeing for all.
By no means is this a guarantee that life will only give you ups because it won’t. However, you can be better placed to manage your challenges consciously rather than reacting and responding aimlessly to every situation or even worse, waiting on someone else to drive your life forward. Investing in yourself takes personal dedication, commitment and consistency to being the best version of myself today and everyday, not sometime in the future. You and only you can do it for you.
Whether you want to experience a meditation, manifestation or support your transformational journey, mantras can help to amplify your experience and outcomes.
So, what do we mean by mantra? Well, 'Man' means mind and 'tra' means wave or projection and the essence of this is that there is a vibrational frequency in everything and a sound vibratory current exists in a mantra that attracts to you that which you are vibrating.
Mantras are a coded sound system and so these cannot simply be made up as mantras have been passed down from hundreds and thousands of years. There are many mantras that have been shared with us from many spiritual lineages. I use and incorporate into my yoga classes the kundalini mantras.
The power of mantra is a personal experience but all kundalini mantras will have an effect such that it gives your brain a signal to go towards a positive direction. This translates into you feeling better, having more clarity in the direction you take in life and attracting positive experiences and opportunities. Kundalini Mantras can also help activate specific areas of your life, generating more prosperity, success in relationships, attracting career prospects etc.
Sat Nam is the most common mantra we use in Kundalini Yoga and is known as a Bij (seed) mantra - the seed that contains everything within it. It means 'truth is my name' and is a very potent mantra that can activate the chakras all by itself. Knowing the translation of the mantras is not important because it's the sound code and vibration within them that is activated. Simply saying Sat Nam out loud or even mentally vibrating the energy of the sounds can balance the elemental forces and bring you back to your centre.
Incorporate this Sat Nam mantra into your life and notice the changes. I would love to hear your experiences. You can also contact me if you are interested in learning more about mantras for specific aspects of your life.
Working in harmony with the energy of the moon cycles sounds all very new age but in fact this practice has been observed for hundreds of years. Just like the moon effects the tides in earth's oceans, the gravitational effect can have an impact on us not least because the human body is around 70% water. Therefore, the phases of the moon represent the natural ebb and flow of life and harnessing the full and new moon energies in particular are known to be highly potent energetic portals.
A new moon is when the sun and the moon come into alignment and signifies new beginnings, planting the seeds for new ideas, setting your intentions and defining goals. A full moon is when the sun reflects its light onto the moon and luminates it in our night sky. There is a strong gravitational pull on earth at this time and the energy can be used to release yourself of anything that no longer serves you. This is a great time for cleansing your space of lower vibrations and feel renewed.
Both the new moon and the full moon phases offer an energetic portal that amplifies your intentions and effects of any mindful practice for manifestation. Try incorporating the dates of the new and/or full moon into your regular meditation and yoga practice and notice what experience you have.
Within kundalini yoga, we talk a lot about the authentic you which is also expressed through the mantra Sat Nam. The essence of this is that the yoga practice aims to shift the energetic frequency within and around you so that you are able to express the true you, whatever that means for you. Once you begin to experience this level of truth, you are living in your own sovereignty and power, experiencing a more joyful life which in turn develops a stronger magnetic field so that you attract opportunities for your highest good. It is not always easy being authentic and maintaining harmonious relationships with others but start small, set an intention and be consistent. Here are 5 things that you can stop doing to help to help you on your way:
1) Saying yes when you mean no 2) Gossiping 3) Living and obsessing over the past 4) Putting yourself down 5) Believing others have the power over you and your life outcomes
Maintaining our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing has never been more discussed as it has during these precarious times and with that, a daily routine, ritual and practice is important now more than ever. . We are creatures of habit and when we have a positive ritual incorporated into our lives, it creates stability and aids the mind and emotions into a more positive direction. Being consistent is the key and it doesn't matter if it's a 5 min or 60 min plus daily ritual, just have something that gives you an anchor for the day. A ritual will help you get aligned to a more positive energy current for the day and this could be anything from meditation, yoga, mantra recitation, journaling, breathing techniques or any other positive creative action that resonates with you. Here are my top 5 tips:
Have a mindful ritual to start the day before you look at your phone. This will set the course for the way you handle the rest of the day.
Don't overthink it, just find a positive creative activity that resonates with you. It's also okay to change the ritual as you change but the key thing is keep the momentum and maintain the ritual.
Agree with yourself a minimum and a maximum of what you will do. So, say if you have a ritual of 30 minutes each morning but some days you are so busy, do the minimum. Keep the intention and set yourself a minimum time that you do no matter what.
Keep a benefits diary to record how your ritual journey is benefiting your life.
If you can, incorporate a night time ritual to align yourself at the end of the day too. Taking a shower before bed is a great way to cleanse yourself from the day.
Chakra is sanskrit and translates to wheel. The body has 7 main non-physical energetic centres known as chakras which align to our spine. The invisible life force energy (aka Prana) flows from the top of your head down the spine through every chakra. In my view, chakra balancing is the foundation of the energetic body and is an important first step to restore the harmonious flow of energy within you and achieving holistic wellbeing. In many cases, an external manifestation can be attributed to how well balanced a chakra is operating. In my own life, I have experienced this where I may be feeling something and when I recognise this as a chakra imbalance, I take steps to balance one or more of them. One of the ways I like to invoke chakra balancing is through breath and meditation. Bringing in the pranic energy into each chakra, through breath, feeling and visualisation in a systematic way leaves me feeling energised, revitalised and grounded.
Also, remember that our chakras are not static and they are changing and responding to us so this is a personal developmental journey that is ongoing.
To gain insight into how aligned your chakras are, take the FREE CHAKRA SELF DISCOVERY ASSESSMENT.
The tourmaline crystal is one of my favourite all rounder stones as it has properties that can help with some fundamental basics when it comes to cleansing energy in you and around you. It causes any negativity that may be directed to you intentionally or unintentionally will bounce right back. Here are my favourite reasons why you must have black tourmaline in your crystal kit.
1) Cleanses dense energy into lighter and higher vibrational energy. 2) Provides a protective shield around our personal energy field. 3)Clears negative energy created from electromagnetic vibrations caused by mobile phones, technology etc. 4) It is very grounding and therefore helps bring a connection back to this physical world. 5) It has super high vibrational frequencies that offers protective energies to your home. Place black tourmaline at the front door to transform the energies entering your home into positivity.