Chakra is sanskrit and translates to wheel. The body has 7 main non-physical energetic centres known as chakras which align to our spine. The invisible life force energy (aka Prana) flows from the top of your head down the spine through every chakra. Each chakra is located specifically and disperses energy evenly from the centres through the meridian pathways to the rest of the body and eventually reaching all the cells to repair and renew. Chakras correspond to a specific area of our life and when chakras become blocked, energy is unable to flow and quite often this will transpire into physical ailments or negative impacts you may experience. Blockages and leaks may occur due to a number of reasons based on our life experience, how we react to them and how we process them. Furthermore, as the life force energy enters the crown, it has to go through each chakra and may not reach the lower chakras since upper chakras are creating blocks. All of this can lead to imbalances across the chakras resulting in adverse effects on our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing.
Chakra balancing is the foundation of the energetic body and is an important first step to restore the harmonious flow of energy within you and achieving holistic wellbeing. Balancing your chakras can be achieved through a number of techniques, get in touch to identify the most effective method for you.
key benefits of Chakra balancing
Improved circulation of Prana and energy flowing through your physical and auric body Promotes sense of physical wellbeing You will become more grounded in the here and now Unblocks the pathway to your true self and life purpose Improves relationship with money, abundance and prosperity Feel more stable, secure and safe without the need to control others Resolves emotional imbalances, fear based thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve you More clarity and sense of direction Improved communication and creativity
To gain insight into how aligned your chakras are, take the FREE CHAKRA SELF DISCOVERY ASSESSMENT below.